Technical Presentations
Using Binaural Head Recording Techniques with Related HD Video for Music Production (Tutorial T8)
Originally presented in Paris, France during the 140th AES Convention, June 4-7, 2016
The presentation focuses on producing music with related video using binaural head capture. Excerpts are presented from a variety of productions that our has group created. Bob Schulein discusses the synergy between binaural audio and related video as related to the artistic goals of productions.
Binaural Audio Technology, History, Current Practice and Emerging Trends (Tutorial T7)
Originally presented in Munich, Germany during the 126th AES Convention, May 8, 2009
During the winter and spring of 1931-32, Bell Telephone Laboratories, in cooperation with Leopold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, undertook a series of tests of musical reproduction using the most advanced apparatus obtainable at that time. The objectives were to determine how closely an acoustic facsimile of an orchestra could be approached using both stereo loudspeakers and binaural reproduction. Detailed documents discovered within the Bell Telephone archives served as a basis for describing the results and problems revealed while creating the binaural demonstrations. Since these historic events, interest in binaural recording and reproduction has grown in areas such as sound field recording, acoustic research, sound field simulation, audio for electronic games, music listening, and artificial reality. Each of these technologies has its own technical concerns involving transducers, environmental simulation, human perception, position sensing, and signal processing. This tutorial covered the underlying principles germane to binaural perception, simulation, recording, and reproduction. It includes live demonstrations as well as recorded audio/visual examples.

AXPONA 2018 Virtual Reality Binaural Audio Demonstrations
Bob Schulein, founding partner of ImmersAV Technology, and past president of the Audio Engineering Society, presented a wide selection of Binaural audio demonstrations with corresponding video. All recordings were of live music produced for various forms of virtual reality playback. Playback was by means of a custom wireless headphone system with HD video. Several demonstrations featured 3D Video.
One lucky attendee of each session won a copy of the latest ImmersAV Technology production: “The Wandering Boys Chicago Bluegrass VR Special”.
Rich Johnson, Guanyang Luo and Reed Taylor
If you want to learn more about AXPONA Visit:
Judging Individual High Resolution Audio Perception Capabilities
New subjective test files created by ImmersAV Technology strongly suggest that the dynamic range and bandwidth claims associated with high-resolution audio productions do not offer any perception benefits beyond those of the standard CD. We welcome interested individuals to evaluate these tests and offer comments. To learn more, view the video below.
AXPONA 2015 CONFERENCE - presented by Bob Schulein
"Creating Immersive Recordings: Content Production for Audiophile Headphone & Loudspeaker Listening"

Attendees were able to audition immersive (binaural) demonstrations presented in the headphone session, using wireless headphones provided by Sennheiser Electronic, GmbH.

Folks were able to fill out an entry to win a FREE copy of the John Moulder & Friends
Jazz Concert that was held the day before. Soon we will have copies available for sale
on our website. Stay tuned!
Bob discussies creating immersive recordings.
ImmersAV's Dan Mapes-Riiordan welcomes everyone and provides them with headphones for the presentation.
Attendees taking in the A/V presentation by Bob Schulein.
AES 57 Conference
"The Future of Audio
Entertainment Technology"
Cinema, Television and the Internet
ImmersAVs Bob Schulein presented
on Headphone Technology
at this 57th Conference
on March 6-8, 2015

Attendees were able to audition immersive (binaural) demonstrations presented in the headphone session, using wireless headphones provided by Sennheiser Electronic, GmbH.
Bob Schulein chaired the Saturday afternoon workshop on headphones: Design, Subjective/Objective Performance and Entertainment Content Production. He made two presentations: "Introduction to Headphone-based Spatial Audio Tools" and "Techniques for Natural Acoustical Creation of Immersive Sound Field Recordings Using Binaural Head Capture."
AES Los Angeles 2014
Paper Session P6 – Spatial Audio: Part 3
Click the graphic (below) to download the AES Paper
Presentation and Headphone & Loudspeaker Test Files

Bob Schulein presenting "The Design, Calibration, and Validation of a Binaural Recording and Playback System for Headphone and Two-Speaker 3-D Audio Production."

Bob Schulein (left) and Dan Mapes-Riordan after presenting Paper Session P6 – Spacial Audio: Part 3 at AES 137 in Los Angeles, CA on October 20, 2014.